Digital Strategies

We help define online strategies as consistency is key to online success. It's all about conversions being persistent on long term.

We prefer to work in-house with your marketing teams and support proven measures too ensure the best scenario for increasing revenue and strengthening your online branding and presense.

Marketing Automations

Why bother doing tedious marketing routines every morning, when these operations can be made to run automatically?

Working with trusted services such as Hubspot, KlayvioMailChimp and Buffer amongst others. Let us manage your dataflows, automate publishing of content, push ecommerce products to your favorite social media accounts. Options are endless.

Ecommerce Management

At WURK we can assist with the creation and management of products as well as publishing quality content and media for your webshop 

Your webshop might be your only storefront online, so consider leaving a good impression for the customers to increase ROI to it's maximum potential. We work with platforms such as Adobe Commerce, Prestashop, Optimizely and Woocommerce.

Search Engine Optimization

Vi analyserer dine kunder og demografiske målgrupper samt arbejder strategisk mod bl.a. lokal SEO, AdWords kampagner og SoMe strategier. Optimering af jeres indholds kvalitet og semantikken på jeres hjemmeside eller webshop kodes til korrekte struktur, så den matcher søgemaskinernes strenge og komplekse krav.

Selected clients & references

These selected clients have enjoyed our company and believed, that our expertises were meeting their respected brand values.